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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Toy Can Open Any Garage


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] This Toy Can Open Any Garage




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] This Toy Can Open Any Garage

The Law Of The Jungle Gym aired on December 29, 2004.

Stu Makers Elves aired on May 24, 1992.

Stimpy’s Fan Club aired on March 24, 1993.

What Scared Sue Ellen aired on March 15, 1999.

Fear Of A Krabby Patty aired on May 6, 2005.



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] This Toy Can Open Any Garage


It opens the "DOOR" to other issues

I like his expression

4:35 the TOTAL number of codes is 4096, so it would take 262 seconds to try ALL the codes.
The door would probably open before.


I laughed so hard at your voice crack at 1:06


1:05 that voice crack omg

2:30 has a beautiful music in background!

11:49 Surprise, confusion, realization, celebration, realization, sadness in 3 seconds lol

3:29 Owns lots of sophisticated tech. Knows technical stuff about how that remote works. Has to work out 2^8 from scratch.



10:44, if the clicker is clicked again before you use it, will it still work?

2:05 Do you mean the "Broke myspace" Sammy? 'Cause that's cool. (not the breaking myspace part, but the meeting a famous hacker/person with the most friends on myspace)



Top Comments : [Veritasium] This Toy Can Open Any Garage

my garage door uses one bit.
But I won't tell you whether it's 0 or 1 ;))))


Thank you

Yours sincerely,

My uncle drove a late 70's Datsun pickup truck with a really noisy ignition system. He managed a residential construction crew so he would drive through the same neighborhood every morning about the same time. Whenever he passed by a certain house, the garage door would open. Eventually the homeowner flagged him down and confronted him about it. Of course it wasn't malicious. The guy just had a really shitty garage door receiver. :)


Wow that's the gate to your house? Looked like a mansion! Damn!


I have a brick that can open any window!!

Can't hack into a garage door when you're too broke to have a garage


I remember that when I visited my great-grandmother in 1968, sometimes her garage door would open when military jets flew over.


Car robbers love him, Car owners hate him.
Watch this video to get a new car everyday!!


I can remember your password for you, no worries :D.

You don't need a transmitter or toy to open most garage doors. Here is a little known fact that has come in handy many times during power outages before I installed a battery back-up. In most garages, the latch at the inside top of the door that connects and disconnects with the center guide rail is easily accessible using a wire coat hanger. Just slipping a wire coat hanger between the door frame and door with the hook part to catch and release the latch with a downward yank will open most garage doors. Thieves know this, so should you!

Remember when lastpass was malware installed by hamachi if you didn’t uncheck it’s box




Me: installs last pass
Google: want to save password?
Me: I don't need last pass anymore

But most of all, samy is my hero!


I'm assuming you just added that last part about it being "much more difficult than you thought" as a disclaimer to prevent people from trying it? Because you had just finished showing him being quite successful in opening 2 garages, and he made it look pretty easy.

Read the title of the video and thought about Samy Kamkar. Opened the video and saw Samy Kamkar. Cool guy!


Sammyyyyyy where have you been. Please upload more to your YouTube channel

Good to know, now all I need is a garage and a car to put in it xD

Someone below is asking that the rolling code can't work the way its told here. As if the receiver accepts only the next code what will happen if the transmitter is out of range and someone presses the button of transmitter ? As now transmitter has moved ahead of receiver. Well the video lacks a few things here. Actually there is a synchronization counter C which gets increamented each time you press the key (of transmitter). Same way the receiver also stores the most recent validated synchronization counter it has received (N). Now when ever you press the key and send the pseudo-random number to the transmitter the transmitter also takes the synchronization counter C from transmitter (and to update itself will overwrite N with C). Now receiver will also produce the Cth code (corresponding to C i mean) and match with the code send by transmitter. There is also rolling window of acceptance for rolling codes say 100 or 1000 or whatever (depending upon which system you using for your garrage or car keys). Now also note that C-N <= window of acceptance. Hope you are getting my point here. Means if you window of acceptance is say 1000 and you press your key 1000 times when you were out of the range then the garrage (or your car or whatever) will ignore the key even if you come back to range. Also note that if press the key and hold it pressed it keeps emitting same bits, its only when you press it again (press, release the button and press again) that you are generating a new code. The attack works because the tranmitter checks if the next number is what falls in the sequence and there is no concept of expire due to time here (like we have in one time passwords sent to phone).


back in the early 90's I connected a 12 bit binary counter in place of the dipswitch; It was effective.

Finally I can steal my neighbor's microwave!


that's similar to the Evil twin attache when hacking WiFi


Thx for bringing this to everyone’s attention so people can rob other people within a few seconds


Derek must be practicing the “other” kind of science because that is a damn nice house


that is a really nice house. congratulations Derek

me: looks out window to every garage in my neighbourhood
"it's fun time"

the wild bit is that the de Bruijn sequence is not the shortest possible

the shortest possible arrangenents are called superpermutations, and while the length of the 8-bit superperm isn't known, 4-chan has found the formula which can predict this length very accurately, which then allows computers to directly attack perms at that length and we should soon know the 8-bit superperm, which is somewhere around half the length of the de Bruijn sequence. It's called the Haruhi problem and the solution is the Haruhi theorem.

In fact, the superperm is so efficient that it becomes possible to crack the rolling code opener with the superperm as well.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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