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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 샌드위치 봉투로 불 피우기


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 샌드위치 봉투로 불 피우기




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] 샌드위치 봉투로 불 피우기


my top science channels:
3.kurzgesagt - in nutshell
4.sciencephile AI
suggest me another channels pls.



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 샌드위치 봉투로 불 피우기

4:04 When you spin so hard, that your sunglasses teleport to your eyes

4:09 The Fire dance starts


1:46 Fun fact: focal length in Dutch is "brandpunt", which literally translates to "burning point".


0:04 I was not prepared to be sad.


4:06 Imagine rescuers are looking for you in the woods for weeks and then they find you sniping like a madman lol

The king of random doesn't understand much physics, he just knows what needs to be done, all that focal length talk isn't for him 1:53


0:42 my dude doing the same as me rn
well.. not exactly

4:43 that my friend is how you accidentally start a forest fire :D

4:48 when you try to catch fireball with your hands xd



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 샌드위치 봉투로 불 피우기


I was having no idea that grant will be in this video before clicking the video..

after you start the fire, suddenly the bag exploded and water splash extinguish the fire.

Whyy now YouTube recommendation, whhyyy nooww! RIP Grant


This guy's claims seem silly until he demonstrates it a few seconds later. Boy! science indeed. Way to go! :)


"Yep and he taught me a thing or two, that's for sure"

people before 2019: Blow on the tinder to help start the fire. people after 2019: Just spin in circles


Feels like I just watched a video made by King of Random uploaded to Veritasium. You could've atleast made some animations explaining converging lenses, which is extremely interesting and has lots of applications.

Rest in peace grant. Hope you have a good time in heaven.

Only you can prevent forest fires - Smokey


When tkor was more a science channel with cool experiments. Now theyre just liquid nitrogen with things and heating them


So if you're ever lost in the wilderness make sure you have a sandwich bag on you :D


Veritasium Lite


You made it seem like grant just randomly broke in and started doing stuff

YouTube will forever be a little bit less magical without Grant.


Man I went on this vid without knowing that grant was in this rest in peace you will be missed


The first veritasium video where I didn't learn or feel something.

I thought fire was created directly from pinpoint sunlight to flame, but the heat preservation lesson was pure gold.
Thanks for that.

damn rip this is on my recommended

if your the type of person that takes a lunchbag with you to a place where you need to start a fire, your not gonna be bothered if you just take a lighter.


Bear Grylls would do it with Urine

Haha, a very "unsciency Video" :D
I actually was very surprised to see you on Grant's channel!
Altough it was nice please keep on doing scientific Videos^^
Regards from Germany ;D

Rip grant, he will always be remembered

I can't wait to show friends when we go hiking tomorrow!!!

.... Sorry, I don't have friends yet.


I've got a survival tip for you, bring a lighter or a box of matches.
It's also cheaper than having to buy sandwich bags.


RIP Grant. Glad he’s still popping up on my feed. TKOR really isn’t the same now and it’s a shame


me: I can create fire with water
friend: I dont belive you
me: This video


The most unintiutive answer.
"how do you make fire?"
"you need a bag of water"


Weird how light can go through cold water and still be hot enough to start a fire.

That is absolutely brilliant and potentially life-saving. I tend to suffer from what psychologists call functional fixedness; that the inability to see a given object as useful for anything other than the purpose for which it was originally constructed.
If I were to look at a baggie and a glass of water, I would see only that.. I would to LOVE to be able to let go of this functional fixedness, to look at the baggie and the water and see lens x ... convex lens, magnifier, Firestarter!

I'm acutely aware of my difficulty in seeing the alternate potential of objects. That is why this video caught ny attention. Thank for creating it!

One trick if you're well and truly used to being in the woods is to look for fallen branches or trunks (like 3" diameter or larger) that have been weathering for a long time. The good stuff is wood that is very soft, spongy and light and dry. It resembles driftwood a bit, but much softer, kind of like the springyness of packing foam. It will literally burn like a cigarette. All you have to do is hit it for a bit with your magnifying glass to get a small ember going, then add a bit of wind from a breeze or your breath, and presto, fire, baby. The stuff is so good at it that if you have any real wind, it WILL catch fire with just a tiny starter coal growing fast and then igniting. With a little luck you can find large chunks of it everywhere in an uncleared woodland, and just add some to your pack or whatever to keep you well stocked for starting several fires on just a reasonable block about 3" long. Break off a little piece, start an ember on it, and blow on it hard till it ignites.

When I was a kid, I was an f***in' artist with magnifying lenses and fire, lol. Small Fresnel lenses are my favorite (try a full page magnifier sometime for a hell of a thrill, you can make bits of glass from sand!), but I really have to admire this baggie trick for pure genius.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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