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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins




Playtime Comments : [TED] Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins


13:35 "We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in... some of us just go one god further".


11:10 he always used that example, haha..."strong inner conviction"...


"in practice, what is an Atheist?
An atheist is just somebody who feels about Yahweh the way any decent Christian feels about Thor, Baal or the golden calf.
As has been said before, we are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in,
Some of us just go one god further"
~ Richard Dawkins 13:23


18:46 "To put it bluntly: american political opportunities are heavily loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest" - Dawkins 2008
No surprise there

9:28 I think challenging religious ideas is what brings about there validation. Is the Golden Rule a sound moral philosophy to recommend that others live by?







3:20 Science changes all the time, new discoveries are fascinating to say the least. Especially given there are more scientific disciplines that I don't even realize exist. You will never run out of stuff to learn about our world. I applaud science for "rocking the boat". Rock on Richard.





Top Comments : [TED] Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins


I'm a Sumtheist.

That is, I am God.


The level of common sense in this Ted Talk is over the top. Loved it.

Since I've been 13 or so, Dawkins has been a big role model of mine. He made me interested in biology. Now I am 16, and studying biology and chemistry. Thank you, mr Dawkins

Damn, wish I was there.

Atheism feels like something that would be controversial in the 1600s

“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”


Athiest fight long and hard for a world of rational and reality.

Revolution haven't over yet comrades! We should continue to fight on


A man. Right there. That's a man with balls.


I’m doing this to help to release my mother country, I wish that I never gets involved on politics.

It's very hard to respect an adult with imaginary friends.

I haven't met anyone who rejects the theory of evolution who actually understood the theory of evolution.

"I know Jesus will return in my lifetime !" said billions of dead people

Atheist is a word without content. It's like being a non-astrologer. ~ Sam Harris


I'm glad that so many people watched this.


Very intelligent points. The last line hit me hard.


Christians (or religious people in general) call Dawkins a fundamentalist, evil etc. I call him a realist.

New fan here guys thanks for opening my eyes to truth

So well said.


He stop at the best part when he start to explain why respect to religion is undue.

This is one of the best stand-up comedy.
Some of his jokes were not getting enough reaction by the audience though


If Dawkins had been my biology teacher, I'd have learned a lot more than I actually did at school. Witty, concise and engaging.

Leaving Islam was one of the best decisions i ever made in my life.

Let's All Stop Being So Damn Respectful!

Richard Dawkins is one of the guys we have now that Christopher Hitchens is no more.

There are others of course!

We need those people in powerful political positions of today in stead of people who don't believe in god but pretend to in order to get elected.


I am forever grateful to this man. The man I loved was trying to kill me to hide his crimes, the ones he committed against my person and my daughter. I held on to Richard, the most kind human I have ever seen. He spend the past 5 years showing me how justice, kindness, manhood existed. Not all men where like my evil pseudo lover. I survived. And I love this man, he held my hand when a group of idiots thought that they could just kill a black woman and get away with it. And get paid for it. I left the UK and I survived, just about. I am so grateful Richard. Thank you.


I’d sooner believe that Elvis is alive than believe there’s a omnipresent imaginary big brother in the sky watching over our every thought and move.


1 min in i love dicky dawkins. what an intelligent sources

Not only am I a Darwin-ist, but a Hawkins-ian, and dillahunty-ist. Oh, and a Ra-ist. Lmao


When I was 9 years old I attended a catholic school, I was in 3rd grade and a malignant nun organized and commanded the whole class to humiliated me and indeed they destroyed me.
I am now 57 years old and the evil action of this woman still pains me and I do not know why.
Ever since I am 7 years old I remember the masses and churches brought me very frightful emotions and this never ended until I conquer my liberty to never enter this horrible places and their horrible cults; which is when I was 18 years old and I escaped with my ex husband then my boyfriend.
Long ago I discovered that the beautiful universe is indifferent to our sufferings and I love and I am profoundly grateful for the amazing chance of my existence in it and to have a brilliant professor Mr. Richard Dawkins as my brother comforting me and teaching me of our miracle of evolution, harmful people with their religions and their god.
I marvel at myself because I was regaled with the gift to be born antitheist.

That's brilliant.

"A truly remarkable situation;

"A grotesque mismatch between the American intelligencia and the American electorate. A philosophical opinion about the nature of the Universe which is held by the vast majority of top American scientists, and probably the majority of Intelligencia generally, is so abhorrent to the American electorate that no candidate for popular election dare affirm it publicly.

"This means that high office in the greatest Country in the World is barred to the very people best qualified to hold it.

"Unless they are prepared to lie about their beliefs.

"To put it bluntly, American political opportunities are heavily loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest."

I was reading On Liberty one night when I stumbled upon this gem by John Stuart Mill: "It is the duty of governments, and of individuals, to form the truest opinions they can; to form them carefully, and never impose them upon others unless they are quite sure of being right. But when they are sure [...], it is not conscientiousness but cowardice to shrink from acting on their opinions..."
Not conscientiousness but cowardice.... stuck with me since, and marked the moment when I decided to stand up for my beliefs.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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