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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How Much Information?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How Much Information?




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] How Much Information?


How many times did he roll the dice? Zero! it's much easier to spot at 0.25x speed.

Theoretically the probability is 6!/(6^6), or about 0.015 I'll explain...
To start off, I can pick any number, since eventually I will be rolling all six. That's a probability of 6*(1/6), or 1.
Next, the chance I get any number except the one I just rolled. That's a bit more tricky. Of my six cases, five of them are acceptable. (We're only measuring the acceptable cases here!) The probability of getting any number on the dye is still 1/6. So we would find this out with 5*((1/6)). Make sense?
Now the same logic works for 4,3,2, and 1.
Multiplying by 1/6 is the same as dividing by 6, and since we're doing that six times, we can abbreviate 6*6*6*6*6*6 as 6^6.
Multiplying 6*5*4*3*2*1 can be abbreviated with a factorial, so it's "6!".

This leaves us with 6!/(6^6).
'Fun' note: order doesn't matter here. I could roll 4,5,1,6,2,3 or anything else that gives me a single dye of each number. If order did matter, the probability would be as simple as (1/6)^6. If we reverse engineered the problem from the answer, we would know order didn't matter because of the 6!.
Hopefully I explained this for any future viewers :)



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] How Much Information?


2:58 ah yes, the distant year of 2020


0:15 What a nightmare if you are fluent in spanish and english


3:00 its 2020 now have we achived that much information probably now

Henry was wearing a cgp grey shirt


3:35 In case you don't know what that is :) Ahhhh time is amazing growing old is amazing, hilarious :D


1:55 DAMN! it must have taken a LONG time to edit this video! :O

1:07 "Let me just sit here and play with a brain while I talk"

2:16 those x-ray photos are gnarly as hell.

1:31, Let's all take a moment to appreciate how many attempts were done for this shot.


2:58 ah yes, the distant year of 2020



Top Comments : [Veritasium] How Much Information?

I love how you and Michael are collaborating more often, the stuff you guys make together is amazing. =)


This is the first time in my life I hear two languages I can speak at the same time. It drove me crazy, my brain kept constantly switching between Spanish and English. I've heard two languages at the same time before, like in the Olympics and the news, but usually, I can only understand one of them. This was quite different, a new experience por así decirlo.

For a second 1:19 I thought that was CGP Grey..


Ok, I see a CGP grey shirt, and I need to know, who was that guy? To my knowledge, CGP is still just a stick man, seen by only a few people in real life.


Spanish speaking people complain that English speakers who speak Spanish as a second language but not very well speak far too quickly.  Maybe that is because it is perceived that Spanish is spoken quickly. 
When I was learning Spanish, I quickly noticed that the words tended to be much longer.  I was proud when I learned the translation for "unfortunately": desafortunadamente.  ading "ly" to an English word is equal to adding "mente" to a Spanish word.

A cool video would be one that explains why you can't learn Colombian Spanish or Brazilian Portuguese without becoming a sexier person. 


When I saw Michael from Vsauce lying there by you on the grass I thought THIS IS SO COOL THE BEST YOUTUBERS ARE TOGETHER AHH

Can we hang out Veritasium?

"By the year 2020" as I'm watching this exactly 4 hours from that exact year...

You made one small mistake.
Yes we have 4 different "letters", however each letter has its counterpart in DNA. (T-A) (G-C). So if you know one letter, you know the other it is combined with.
Therefore it would only require 0,75 GB of data to  write down your DNA.

Woman store less important data in their memory than men. Case in point:

Woman #1: "Wow. I love your new hair style."
Woman #2: "Thanks. I spent $150 on it and it took 3 hours. Of course I had to make an appointment a week in advance. But it was worth it. It matches the new outfits I bought and my husband thinks it's great."

Man #1: Haircut?
Man #2: Yep.

Men have more memory space for more important stuff.


This kind of feels like the flow of a sauce video....WAIT THERE'S MICHAEL!


When i was younger, I thought that English speakers spoke much faster. I'm Spanish. I guess it's just a matter of getting used to the language.

Do you mind doing a Draw my Life Derek? :)

Mind = Blown


... but what if you saw only half of frozen?

I have to disagree here about what you said about information being physical. While there can be physical manifestations of information the information itself is not physical. For example the laws of logic that you are using right now to understand my comment is not physical but the words I am typing to explain that are. The number two is an abstract number that causes nothing but that doesn't mean a representation of the number two written on a page can not cause anything. This is a philosophical truth and one that is widely discussed by mathematicians and philosophers. 


How many times did you have to roll those dice to get THAT outcome?


Of course, DNA is a part of the story, not the whole story. Let us remember that two animals as different as a butterfly and its caterpillar have exactly the same DNA. Everything depends on what is repressed and what is "derepressed" :-)

esa tipa realmente habalaba rapidamente :v



3:32 That "[I]n case you don't know what that is." part though. XD


I once read an interesting approach to quantifying information: In this approach, information of a message M was defined as -ln(P(M)), where P(M) is the probability of the message M occurring. Hence, the message "Dog bites Earthling" has less information than "Earthling bites dog", because its probability is higher. Also, the message "Earthling bites dog" has more information in a serious newspaper, rather than a yellow press newspaper. This approach is of course based on the earthlings' binary thinking, their idea that everything has a probability [in other words, can be projected onto the true-false edge of the triangle of ternary alien logic]. But it's quite consistent. For example, the information of the combination of two independent messages is the sum of the two informations. 


im spanish, and that woman was speaking really fast. Way faster than how we do

I calculated that you got ~1,54% chance to get the dice combination you had.

How many tries did you had?

"a floppy disk, I guess you don't know what that is" correct lol

When Vsauce appeared on the grass all I could think about was "The Fault In Our Science".


 @Veritasium  The unqueness of a person could not be stored on a floppy disk. The information in DNA is not just whether it is 1,2,3 or 4, but also it's position. IF you take all the unique bits out and stung them together, you've actually lost a lot of information. This is the same reason why patches/diffs of computer code are bigger than the actual number of bytes being changed by the patch set. All those extra bytes encode the offsets and some checking to make sure that each bit goes in the right place.

So for non-contigious DNA where no half-nibble delta appears next to another one. We'd need 33 bits per 2 bit delta. Giving us 27MB requirement with no checksums and a really weird non-byte boundry storage mechanism. And that's assuming no insertions or deletions, just chages. We'd need more bytes to store what needs to be done if we want to actually create a working mechanism.


fun/strange thing: i'm a spanish speaker and learned english during my adolescence, I have never lived in a country where english is spoken nor have I had the need to use english to communicate with people around me. The only interactions in english in my life have been the internet, games and movies. But even so, I pay attention and listen to the audio in english at the start of this video, and it was really hard for me to understand what the woman was saying in spanish overlapped with english. I guess this happens because she speaks spanish from spain and i speak spanish from chile, our accents are very, very different and the words we use differ in some ways too. Even when hearing clearly spanish from spain I have a hard time understanding it. I guess that for me it's so much easier to understand english because I have been exposed to english speaking much more than to spanish (from spain) because the majority of the stuff i like is in english, and I can even understand and recognize different engluish accents.
But still, it baffles me how hard it is for me, a spanish speaker, to figure out what's being said in spanish.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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