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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Why Boredom is Good For You
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why Boredom is Good For You
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Why Boredom is Good For You
* Americans looking at their phones in class *
Teacher: well, they're bored
* Europeans looking at their phones in class *
Teachers: so you have chosen death
3:20 "Getting this guy's legs outta my face. That would be perfect" LOL
".... but it may actually spur you to action ..."
Me : sorry, pardon ( was looking at the legs )
Pleasant memory of childhood
veritasium: it may get you to make changes that would be positive for ur life
legs: not so soon buddy
You have no idea what have you done bringing me in.
More people like this dude please.
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Why Boredom is Good For You
When I'm bored and my mind wonders I'm not bored anymore, I'm more entertained than ever
Now I know why I draw better pictures in class lol
A campfire is just enough stimuli so that you don't feel bored but its not so much that it distracts your mind so you can still think about things. In other words a campfire essentially initiates a thought provoking state of mind that gives you that same feeling of boredom but without the dreadfulness that boredom can bring.
My Friends: ''come hang out with me I'm boooored.''
Me: ''Good, Stay bored.''
It's not like I do like to shock myself when I'm bored. But bored or not I manage to shock myself. The shock is the essential component which always bring me back to the reality, which is after all, electricity HERTZ...
I’d assume some pressed the button of electric shock once out of curiosity and not out of boredom
To be honest I'd just press the button out of curiosity
Imagine you walking into a room an a guy is talking to a camera four meters away
Makes me think of the black mirror episode white Christmas where the AI girl is trapped for months with nothing to do and she was so bored she would rather be a slave
A while ago I decided not to use my smartphone at all for a week. Instead I used an oldschool Nokia phone to make calls etc. I had that unpleasant feeling of boredom very often, every day in the 30 min long bus transportation to college, in my algebra class, when I was eating I didn't entertain myself by watching YouTube, I was bored when I was in the toilet... Sometimes I couldn't stand it, and for example, I would grab a shampoo next of me and read the ingredients while I was doing my thing in the toilet, or I played Snake on my Nokia phone in the bus, but I was generally more observant of my enviroment, which is a plus.
But yeah, this video is so true. I play the piano as a hobbie, and that week without my phone I had more ideas of melodies I could make, it felt less boring to learn new stuff. Our phones and social media are trying hard to keep us entertained on our News Feed, by throwing to us countless new and useless information that our lazy brains love. One day I met a friend, she was walking and also scrolling on her phone. "Why do you do that?" I asked. "Walking is boring" she replied, and I didn't like it. Our world is beautiful! If you don't like seeing what's going on around you while you are WALKING, then what?! That screen isn't your life... "And if I was scrolling on my phone too, like you did, we would pass each other without even noticing and say a single 'hi'. Isn't that weird?". She didn't anwser.
Lastly, that particular week I was less lazy in general. I didn't have the option to watch "just one" YouTube video before getting out of bed. I couldn't sleep but I was bored. So, to kill my boredom I could either let my mind wander in thoughts and daydream, or get up and start my day routine earlier, or read a book. All of these options are surely better for your mind than watching an episode of Big Bang Theory or watch stories on Instagram.
These are my thoughts. I totally agree with the video. Our brains are prisoners of that fast life. I don't say that life was better before the Internet 'cause Internet and new technology etc are undoubtedly brilliant inventions! We just need to learn how to use this powerful tool wisely and give our amazing minds some space to shine. Thanks for your time.
I can play with my fake scenerios literally all day
I was bored until this notification popped up
When you're in college with no friends and sit in a empty classroom by yourself at lunch for an hour, 5 days a week, then you will know what boredom is.
Me and the boys in quarantine
Fitness is my passion
Guys that feel weird:
3:10 and 3:14
This isn't intended to be hidden btw
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