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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How Cod Saved the Vikings
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How Cod Saved the Vikings




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] How Cod Saved the Vikings


6:27 Legend has it she's still there trying to pick up that one piece of cod

8:03 The British would stop and fill their ships with limes when ever they had the opportunity. Hence the nickname for the English as Limey's


0:05 “okay, now turn your head to the camera, but don’t look at it. Just look anywhere but the camera...perfect!!!”


4:55  A:: that was MUCH better than what i remember.... V:: Really ???   :D


5:28 "like evolution but for ideas" That's the original meaning of the word meme as coined by Richard Dawkins.

Another amazing video. I particularly liked the part around 5:00 where you explained how the practice of drinking the liver oil might have caught on. Too often in teaching complicated ideas we get bogged down in personifying the involved parties. This was a great description about a natural emergence and development of a concept.


5:27 "Like evolution, but for ideas."

So drinking cod liver oil is a Viking meme.

Another amazing video. I particularly liked the part around 5:00 where you explained how the practice of drinking the liver oil might have caught on. Too often in teaching complicated ideas we get bogged down in personifying the involved parties. This was a great description about a natural emergence and development of a concept.


8:31 I seriously thought that you are going to say that our future is determined by cod

What a beautiful timelapse at 6:04



Top Comments : [Veritasium] How Cod Saved the Vikings


I love how you take a vacation in completely other countries. You make it entertaining and educational for your fans
Also how the video was edited

"Did Cod save the vikings"
Best title ever tbh. I dont get why you changed it :/


Yeah Black Ops 2 was how I stayed alive.

The evolution of ideas has already been coined by Richard Dawkins. You may recognize the word in popular culture today as "memes".

So in the example scenario, the inland Vikings would have survived because of a meme XD

dude you are destined for making sick documentaries, the use of various bits of footage to back the narrative was completely immersive


A spoonful of Møllers Tran a day keeps the rickets away :)


I love that you said skål at 5:49 as a real Scandinavian.

Why you gotta put horns on them??

Otherwise good video!

“Like evolution, but for ideas”
So the oil drinking was a meme!

I remember as a kid I was forced to take Cod Liver Oil and I absolutely hated it and my parents were not able to explain why it was good for me and why I need to take it. It was definitely a cultural practice. Thanks for finally teaching me why it was good and established that science really is the best tool we have. Thanks

A very well produced video.


"Yeah I'll just watch this one Vertasium video about space gel or something," I said two hours ago.

Next video: "Can cod swim in shade balls?"



Veritasium: How a Story About Black Floating Balls Saved My Channel


Vsauce: Mind Field
Veritasium: Vitamania


"You need to go outside."
"It's ok, mom, internet told me CoD makes up for the lack of sunlight."

This whole time I felt like I've seen this video before but I wasn't sure where, then it hit me that I watched Vitamania. :)

Thanks for including the explanation of how humans get vitamin d from sun exposure.

"Evolution, but for ideas"

We actually have a word for that: meme. No joke.


I remember this being on Tele in aus
Edit: it was about do we need vitamins when this segment came up

Im a simple man, Veritasium uploads something nice: I like :)


Thank you for putting so much thought, time and research into your videos to the benefit of all of us. Sagan would be proud.

"Like evolution but for ideas"


Not image macros, that was the original use of the word meme, coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976)

"I would argue that the scientific method is the greatest technology humans have ever developed. It allows us to understand not only what works, but why it works. And with that knowledge, our future is determined not by luck, but by our ability to manipulate reality to our advantage."

Wow, that's a really powerful way to end a video!


I dunno about their cod skills, but I heard they were good at Battlefield.


Veritasium is secretly turning into a fishing channel. I like it.

“Our future is determined not by luck”. Thank you for saying that,


How fantastic it is to see my homeland on a world map! That little speck halfway between Norway and Iceland is where I live.
Greetings from the Faroe Islands!


My favorite YouTube channel is this one. I am honestly never disappointed with the unique content explored here.


I remember being given cod liver oil as a kid. I think it was distributed for free. I actually liked it, and I still do.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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