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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Misconceptions About Falling Objects
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Misconceptions About Falling Objects



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Misconceptions About Falling Objects


2:00 I was afraid the ball was going to flatten Derek

I love the fact that the man @0:47 says the "black" one falls faster, and than he sort off, "cheers" because the black one wins =P

0:27 FASTA

1:46 I hope they hooked up after this clip.. Just sayin, short girl looked like she might have been a little into him right about there.



Ball: Stops like some sort of pet


"it's almost like the weight holds it back in a way even though that doesn't really seem to make sense" at 1:39. Maybe I'm a crazy person but that seemed really really like was told to say it off camera and she had no idea how or why that would be a thing. plus he looked a little off in that whole shot.


1:21 Magic. That’s it. That’s the answer


0:34 Derek suddenly gets an Australian accent lol




just adding this for my class mates 1:25-1:30



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Misconceptions About Falling Objects


I had no idea there were so many Aristotelians out there!

this is a 8th grade physics subject in turkey

i thought everyone knew this

Imagine a bag of sand falling- a collection of grains. All together, they fall at the same speed. Each light grain falls at the same rate as the whole big bag full. The bag could be as heavy as an anvil, but each light grain falls as fast as an anvil.

That is partially correct. BUT what about density vs aerodynamics? acceleration is 9.6 m/s right? lets drop a golf ball and a ping pong ball off a cliff and let say they have been falling 30 sec so far. they might hit he ground at the same time if (dropped from 5ft) but the 2 would have different terminal velocity because of aerodynamic/density ratio. It relates to why super sport bike loses to a super car at top speed even tho the bike has a better power to weight ratio. the golf ball will have a greater terminal velocity causing a massive difference over a long fall.

I'm seriously wondering how these people got through highschool...


if u dropped the balls from high enough then the terminal velocity of the medicine ball would exceed that of the basketball and therefore would hit the ground first


We're making process as a species now.


The heavier ball will always hit the ground first, but it may not be perceivable or measurable. When it comes to situations where the gravitational force of one object is exponentially larger than another, (planet vs basketball) the mass of the smaller object is usually not considered in the measurement of gravitational force. This is why we tend to say that gravity is a constant 9.81 m/s^2 for all objects near earth. However, in reality the gravitational force of any object will also act on the earth causing a slightly higher gravitational acceleration.

again, common knowledge is not so common


How could these people possibly not know this???

Of course acceleration is the same for everything on earth, but only in vacuum. With resistance from air, I guess the light ball is slowed down at a higher rate than the heavy ball, therefore the heavy ball should hit the ground slighly earlier. Am I right?


"Everythinf accelerates at same rate and falls at same time" That is if none of those objects reach terminal velocity. Heavy object's terminal velocity is higher, therefore if we'd drop balls from 1 km up, heavy one would fall faster due to weight of ball. Light basketball would be more affected by drag, and therefore stay above heavy ball during the fall.

I love the old dude who assumed Derek was using magic!


I was actually mad at my physics teacher today when he asked us a smilar question and when I said the balls hit the ground at the same time due to inertia and he said i was wrong...


You can hear his Aussie accent kind of come out at times


who would ever imagine that people out there still not knowing this....


You lie! Acceleration is not the same for both objects.
a1-a2=(g-F_air_resistance/M1) - (g-F_air_resistance/M2) =  F_air_resistance/M2 - F_air_resistance/M1
If M2>M1 => M2 hits the ground first


Except they really don't fall at the same time, because you know, air.

Im 13 and i know the answer

You just love your inertia, don't you.

Someone give this guy a TV show

But he says nothing about air resistance which is a big key in what he's talking about

didn't we all learn in grade school that Galileo already proved this?

Wow, how annoyed must that guy have been to come back and see a 12ft medicine ball on top of his car?


Divide gravitational force by mass and you get gravitational acceleration.
Or F/m=a


(Fullmetal Alchemist?)


"I am surrounded by bakas!"

I've heard the fact that they fall at the same rate explained a hundred times and its basic knowledge at this point. But this is the FIRST TIME someone has actually explained why by including inertia which causes the idea to make perfect sense that even a kid could understand. This is what aggravates me about most education methods. Simple explanations like this cause the idea to make sense and be remembered by far more people than one that feels more like "I know it doesnt make much sense, but just trust me, its true" which is what you get most of the time.

I have some sympathy with people who get this wrong by arguing that gravity pulls more on the heavy ball, because it really does. The problem is that people don't really have a good intuition for inertia. We have all tried lifting heavy objects, but the thing that limits us tends to be the force due to gravity rather than the inertia. The best way to get a feel for inertia is by sliding objects of large mass on low friction surfaces, but that is a somewhat contrived situation compared to lifting the shopping out the back of the car.


I love this! However, I really should point out... that... while this was very informative, I like the older one (without the beard lol) on this same topic ("Misconceptions About Falling Objects", Mar 3, 2011), because it seemed less rushed, and there was more content, as well as more time to absorb the content - and that's of paramount importance. If I wanted to show this one to someone to make a quick point, yeah... but if I wanted the data to have some stickiness, much more holding power, for it to last, then I would rather show the other - say, to a classroom of students, of ANY age ;) EXCELLENT WORK! ^_^



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