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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Neutron Star Merger Gravitational Waves and Gamma Rays


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Neutron Star Merger Gravitational Waves and Gamma Rays




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Neutron Star Merger Gravitational Waves and Gamma Rays

1:46 (flashbacks to solving linear & quadratic systems of inequalities)

omg seeing the actual thing at 2:45 is just awesome I don't even have the words

2:30 That is so cool, dude. They detected that pixel on the sky!!!

2:38 holy cow! This is serious cool.

04:12 I think rotation must still exists. ;)



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Neutron Star Merger Gravitational Waves and Gamma Rays


Meanwhile at another corner of the internet : lmao the earth is a disc

If only Einstein was still alive today and could work with current data and technology

Loved the way you explained all this. You create interest in subjects that are not popular but can prove to be helpful information. Great work! Thanx for the vids.

Vsauce looks a bit different in this video.


Imagine there are still people out there believing the earth is flat...

I really like this guy


Last time I was this early gravitational waves haven't been discovered

Understanding and learning how the universe works is amazing :D
I mean, we just discovered how heavy ELEMENTS are MADE!! That is cool.


130 million years ago......

Pin pointed within 11 hours by optical telescopes.. mind Blown The Scientific communities in these fields are massively under underrated, under appreciated... and most definitely (still) under funded... ...just 11 hours!


And then, there's Bob.
Bob thinks the Earth is Flat.

Don't be like Bob


Hi Derek. I'm a 19 year old from South Africa and I've always known that I wanted to study Physics at university, but I could never decide between particle physics and astronomy. I've been following you for a while and love all you videos. This one, however, has made the decision for me. I am going to study astronomy so that I can be part of these discoveries in the future. Thank you so much for making your videos and inspiring a generation of scientists.


Super cool, thanks for sharing.

This just made my nether regions tingle.

How do people find a small spec of light that blips for a second in the vastness of stars in the infinite universe, but can't find who farted in a crowded elevator?


It always amazes me how anticlimactic astronomy is. The information of all of these unimaginably powerful and unbelievable objects and events is often encoded in the most apparently boring and mundane things, such as little points of light or tiny blips of sound.
Just goes to show that even the most seemingly insignificant things can reveal the most profound and meaningful things.

Love this guy...


What does Professor Rana Adhikari think about this ? Can we expect a video on that ? @Veritasium

Although this is a very important discovery, we need to avoid phrases like, "Now there can be no more doubt" because that is just not how science works. In science, we always leave open the possibility that we are wrong, and that our beliefs will have to be revised.


When are you going to meet Professor Rana again? Our gravitational wave expert.

Finally he uploaded againnnnnn

It's legitimately awe inspiring to see something that was theoretical and enigmatic just a few years ago get this much independent verification. Science is awesome.


For studying the universe, Yes. But for exploring the universe, sadly not yet.

Just Awesome !


What's funny is we're on the verge of a new type of astronomy yet there is still people in the US out there believe the flat earth theory... SAD

This happened 130 million years ago, this is old news, tell me something new




Einstein: I've just worked out with a pencil and a bit of paper that gravity can bend light and therefore we will one day detect gravitational waves

Rest of human race: Yeah we're gonna need about a century to let technology catch up with you.

Einstein: Drops mic, walks off stage.

The gravitational wave are produced as the Neutron stars are spiralling each other . The first ones detected are the ones 1.7 seconds before collision. The light is created at that moment. Hence the 1.7 second delay. At least that is how I interpret the data.

I watch more than twice

This video made me emotional. Keep up the good work, love your video's <3

"It's a phenomenal time to be studying the universe."
I totally agree, but also I think this is always true. No matter how much we may or may not know, it's always cool to learn more.

I wanted to tell you what I really like about your Videos.
Although you're talking about very complex things in a lot of your Videos you are capable of deliver them as simple that a non scientist can understand them. But you explain enough so I keep thinking about the topic when I finished the video.
But the most important thing for me is that you deliver the things with such a fascination. In every single video I can see that you have fun creating and talking about the content.
Anyway greetings from Germany.

You should be a teacher! You explained something incredibly hard for me to understand and somehow it was simple to follow. You remind me of my best ever gay friend who became a special ed teacher for deaf children. He became a principal of a well known and respected school in Quebec before dying from AIDS very early in that huge tragedy. We lost some incredible people in that scourge.

I just had to tell you how you reminded me of a very special person to me. I will be watching your channel for more!


I'll assume that all of the observations were made using the same atomic clock and any adjustments for relativistic effects of the measuring devices (i.e., the Fermi Gamma-ray satellite that detected the gamma ray burst is in orbit around the earth at 525.9 km traveling at 7.59 km/s) have been completely accounted for.

So what interests me is the delay between the gravitational wave and the gamma burst, and what that may tell us about the process of the final collision and even what it tell us about the nature of space-time between us and this event.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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