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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What Is The Magnus Force?


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What Is The Magnus Force?


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] What Is The Magnus Force?

I liked this video and particularly liked the title of Magnus Force ( 1:03 ) and the comparison of the two superimposed on each other ( 1:14 )


3:06   Unbelievable... awesome.



haha 3:29 - 3:33


One glitch... at 1:35 the professor describes clockwise spin but he turns the tube counterclockwise.  Then he reverses it and describes clockwise but turns the tube counterclockwise.


2:38 amazing

Best part 3:40 LOLOLOL

2:00 - this is unnecessarily complicated ; it is Bernoulli's Principle for fluid dynamics. A high speed current has lower pressure than it's surrounding and thus pulls objects towards it (e.g. spray water parallel to the shower curtain / blow air parallel over a sheet of paper / a sailboat hauling into the wind). A top spin ball is pulling / twisting the air downwards, making the air move faster below it than above it.

For example, the cylinder is not only moving downwards with gravity, it its also rotating. The rotation moves the air, applying the phenomenon seen in the basic graph at 02:00.

The force always acts perpendicularly to the actual movement of the roundish object, which means that the cylinder will actually move backwards.


At 1:30 I'm a bit confused. I thought that if the object rotated clockwise, the force would be down. But, in the graphic that it shows right afterwards, the ball seems to be going clockwise, and the force on the ball is upwards. Is he talking about the force on the air?



Top Comments : [Veritasium] What Is The Magnus Force?

If you play any ball sport,this is either common knowledge or cool tricks that happen but you don't understand.


The Magnus effect......we study that in 11th grade as a part of fluid dynamics here in india

"How air effects balls..." - the ending was kinda perv, don't ya think?


Is it a bird? No, a plane? No, rock? NO!!!! It's Super Veritasium the man of Science. XD XD

NOW we know how C. Ronaldo scores his mysterious  free kicks


Awesome!!! I love figuring out how stuff like this works! One question though, is there a way this relates to the leading edge of an airplane wing? In my aerodynamics textbook it talks about Magnus force mixed with Bernoulli and Newton to make lift, but it doesn't really go into how the rotating cylinder through air relates to an aircraft wing moving through air. Thanks!!

that's amazing :)

"Do not assume air resistance is negligible."

He is speaking the language of the gods...

i still don't understand the science behind people disliking these videos. who are they? seriously.

This is the kind of Physics I'm actually interested in


These two are following the social distancing very well before even exiting of covid


Gyro's Balls be like what air resistance..

I'm so glad I'm subb'd to this channel. Thank you so much. <3 Science.

do particals feel this effect? as in the double slit experiment?

I'm expecting a video on balls with seams


The background music is... distracting me. I feel like they're about have passionate love on a veranda in the spotted plains of Central Africa. LOL

This really explains the trajectory of top spin loops and chops in table tennis

Ah, air resistance, the so ignored phenomenon in physics. But magnus effect gives it life.


Roberto Carlos free-kick = Magnus Force



imagine being interviewed about the magnus force by a guy wearing a superman T-shirt


very similar to coanda effect. magnus force because of air surface friction, coanda air air.

I am regualar watcher of veritasium,but this is the first time i am viewing a video from veritasium because of a homework from my college

Hasnt my man Newton discovered this first? Magnus deserves the name but the real OG is Isaac.

I recently started playing tennis, and i was wondering about the effect of topspin on trajectory.. Exactly what I thought! Thanks a lot !!

Magnus Force is not a force)
Magnus effect is a just special case of the Bernoulli effect)
The air on the counter-rotating side of the ball has more friction and accumulates air pressure there, just like under the wing of an airplane) it is pushed the ball)

The Magnus Wiborg force!!!!!!!


I took a class on fluid flows and we briefly covered the Magnus Effect.  I found slides from one of my lectures that the force had to do with differences in pressures on the top of the ball vs the bottom as it moves through the air.  Others have already pointed this out, but to reiterate perhaps in a different way;  as the ball moves through the air horizontally air is passes around the top most point and bottom most point of the ball equally.  Lets say you hit a topspin shot in tennis. The ball moves through the air and on the bottom of the ball the fuzz(friction) on the ball is grabbing the air and moving it faster.  On the top of the ball the friction between the ball and the air is grabbing the air and throwing it against the oncoming air wizzing past the ball.  As velocity increases pressure decreases and you have a situation where high velocity but low pressure is on the bottom of the ball and higher pressure low air velocity is on the top.  The atmosphere presses down on the ball towards the low pressure causing the ball to accelerate towards the court faster than it normally would with just gravity.  The surface of the ball and the speed can also effect if the flow around the ball making it laminar or turbulent which when combined with spin can have some interesting effects.  What makes golf balls and table tennis balls different is a good example of that. One other note that most people probably caught but anyways in the video it wasn't really explained why the cylinder moves backwards after being dropped from the plank. It's be cause the body is not moving through the air horizontally but on a diagonal initially so the fastest air relative to the cylinder is on the edge that just left the plank which caused the Magnus force to push down and back + drag as well.  


I propose you do the next test:
Make a roll of paper (like the one in the video) spin stationary by means of a drilling machine and let it fall vertically. You'll see it won't fall down vertically, instead it will roll forward in the air.
You might suppose it's because of the higher air density at the bottom side of the roll, but now I predict the same will happen in a vacuum chamber.
Even without air the roll will still spin forward. It won't fall perpendicular to the floor.
Please do this test. I hope you have access to a suitable vacuum chamber, because I don't have.
I'm curious if I'm right. This would confirm - or at least strengthen - my theory about the 'cosmic time mechanism'.
Please let me know, and I'll explain. You can find me on Facebook. Thanks and keep on making these great videos.

… a Dutch Structural Engineer


Based on your statement if i put spin on a soccer ball that i hit with the inside of my right foot and it gains a anticlockwise spin should move to the right than to the left.Besides Newtons 3rd law that we claim that the friction caused by the downwash moves the object we have to study the boundary layer and the Bernoulli's principle.So that way when the stream's spead is induced by the spinning ball it accelerates and for more kinetic energy we get less pressure and on the other hand where the spin is deccelerating the stream we have lower pressure so the pressure difference is greater than the friction and this causes the clockwise ball that i hit with my foot or the cylinder that you rotate on the end of the video to move to the left side...please check my statement for missunderstandings



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