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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why Robots That Bend Are Better
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why Robots That Bend Are Better


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Why Robots That Bend Are Better


until 5:58 i had absolutely no idea what this video was about.

4:04. He must be thinking, “I knew clown school would come in handy one day!”


Prototype of a freaking 'A.T.A.T.'


8:46 Bay Max from Big-Hero 6 came to mind when he said that.

7:10 Looks exactly like a phage virus infecting a cell


I love how you were like 1:25 "here are some reason that you would need soft robots." " But why do we need soft robots?" Answering your question before asking the question. Nice.

Was that Mark Rober in 9:56?


9:50 is that mark rober?? Can we expect the much awaited collab?

Super random question. Anyone know any good "high friction materials" for wrapping around rods or other things? 03:48


That's my cousin at 2:19! Pretty cool to see his work on one of the top science channels on YouTube!



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Why Robots That Bend Are Better


Arent't these joints breaking like crazy? These are the points where all the force goes over when rolling.

Can you imagine in the future where you just have those flailing-arm mans all over the place?


I feel this video was for a simpler audience. Bring back the big stuff once in a while sir . The complex physics that makes us think hard and sit there in awe.


Derek at his middle school science fair: Here’s why bendy buses are better
Derek in a few months: Here’s why bending physics is better


Vertas “This can’t be so hard”


No disrespect to the robot, but my favorite part was the Kiwi Co. ad at the end. Those kits make me wish I had a couple of school age kids running around so I could play with their toys.
Kids' brains are just information sponges until they hit puberty.


In an alternate universe:
"No. This is your work, I don't want to break it."

"No feel free!"

*Body slams the top edge*

This is what called 'Thinking outside the box'


Punctuated rolling locomotion........... i got a new word for drunk people walking

Humans: Trying to beat the record of Most flexible man

the way you tell if a robot is soft is you just listen to the uwus.

I now want to see terminator...but as soft robots


How soft are we talking about, I'm asking for a friend.

“Conception of soft robots was expended by Big Hero 6” I see what you did there....

Quick question: If the "sausage tubes" are filled with air, how would that work pressure-wise in space? And if would happen in it hit, say, a sharp rock that punctured it?

This robot and Robocop would be best mates. Because, compliance.

Big hero six was a big eye opener into robotics


What do you like to do with the robot ?“oh I like to beat it up a little bit” lmao


Zachary: "I think most peoples conception of soft robots was really expanded by..."
Me: "The realistic skin sex robots."
Zachary: ".. the movie Big Hero 6."
Me: "Oh..."

That robot will remember you standing on it and stretching it when it puts you to sleep with a triangle choke during the uprising


since an octopus was shown going through a tube, I'd like to see how small of an opening this robot can get through.


That pneumatic turtlebot waddled its way right into my heart.

This is something you'd find in a popular science/mechanic magazine. And just like things found in those magazines you'll never see them actually being used to any significant degree.


Hey, "kiełbasa" literally means "sausage" in Polish, so polish sausage and kielbasa are the same ;)

Omg I was thinking of Baymax, so it was so cool when he mentioned him!


So when are you going to make Baymax?


A robot walks into a bar and takes a seat.
The bartender says: We don't serve robots.
The robot replies: Someday you will

I haven’t been paid to say that I am currently in the kiwi co sub rip toon thing and really enjoy it.


Many robots (including soft robots) are programmed for locomotion and other forms of motor control based upon the wiring principles of central pattern generators (CPGs)—neural circuits that produce a wide frequency range of oscillatory rhythmic outputs even in the absence of sensory feedback—that have been adapted by evolution over hundreds of millions of years across the animal kingdom for axial, quadrupedal, and bipedal locomotion, as well as many other peculiar forms of locomotion, including rolling locomotion akin to that of the robot showcased in this video here. After several months of preparation, I'll soon be posting vids from my perspective as a Harvard neurobiologist and scientific editor/consultant. Cheers.

Seeing as the robot uses rollers.couldnt the implementation a repair function into one of the robots?akin to how a space ship would use blast doors to preserve compression.for example if the robot could sense the air flow from a puncture,the roller loads a cartridge of something akin to liquid flex tap and just rolls it on outer shell similar to how rollers flatten asphalt.because the nature of the damage is so simple most of the time(ie a big gash will take it out too quickly)it could seal small punctures using same concept of lamination and that bicycle tires use.if they make one of the rollers hollow for example,and can figure out a way to place a sensor,don't even need to build on much.
was thinking using air limbs and main body structures like that first one would solve alot of the danger aspect as just pop the Ballon if something happens and only the plastic parts would be a danger.this could be used to say make a Table that carts around medicine automatically for the elderly,and if worest happens,a weight similar to 2-3 iphones would be the danger.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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