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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How to use one paper towel | Joe Smith | TEDxConcordiaUPortland
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How to use one paper towel | Joe Smith | TEDxConcordiaUPortland




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to use one paper towel | Joe Smith | TEDxConcordiaUPortland


teaches kids how to use paper towels more efficiently. uses more paper towels in 4:27 seconds then any one on the planet.


I'm confused.  At 3:38  there were eleven shakes.  What happened to the twelfth?  Maybe we can save the world if we all cut down one shake.

4:17 Due to the COVID-19 situation, we're requesting your thorough instructions!




Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to use one paper towel | Joe Smith | TEDxConcordiaUPortland


Did I really just watch a four minute video on drying your hands with just one paper towel?


I wish he'd have taken a moment to explain the "interstitial" property for the non-sciencey types.  The idea is simply to use the air trapped between the two sheets to help dissipate moisture, as well as insulating so that you're not wetting one hand while drying the other.

I remember watching this and coming away thinking "This was a TED talk?" Now, a couple years later, I have to admit I use his 'technique' every work day, using probably half as many paper towels as I used to. Sometimes the simple things are the biggest ideas.

It allows intershtersteshielal suspension

This is no doubt the most useful thing I have ever seen on youtube

Oooooorrrrrrrrr.... you could just shake like 120 times and not have to use any paper towels at all -_-


The first time I watched this video, I thought, "I can't believe I'm watching this." Then I washed my hands and all I could think of was this video. Five years later, I've shared it with tons of friends and clients, and I don't think I've washed my hands without thinking of this video since. This is a fantastic video.

This is so hopelessly Ironic that he's demonstrating how to use 1, but over the whole thing he uses many. My god I cant stop laughing. 

I started watching this thinking he was talking about pooping... I sat thinking, "How does one SHAKE"

Simple, and informative. Nicely done.

Simple and to the point. I like it.


Dude, now every time I use fucking paper towels it's liking learning to ride a two wheeled bike. I can't stop doing it. It's like part of my life!

Most useful talk I've seen on TEDx so far. :D

Saw this about a year ago.. ever since then, I do the shake and fold... it works.. it's amazing! I pass it on to everyone I know!


Coincidentally this is also my poker strategy 


That's new, I've relied upon evaporation and my shirt. 


Join us tomorrow when we show you how to tie your shoes in 9 seconds rather than 16.

'Murica!!! Where you need a tutorial on washing hands for adults!

For toilet paper:
1. Twerk
2. Fold

12 times... I've been doing 11, no wonder...

Interesting. This has been my practice for years. I am always amazed that folks take more than one towel to dry their hands when one is plenty. (Yes, I shake and fold.)


I admire this talk so much, it has been... i dont know, maybe 4 years from the first time that i saw it, and every time that i am in a public space washing my hands, i think about this talk...

Some times I'll throw away a couple dozen and not even wash my hands...

You can feel in his voice, that he has lived all his life to tell us this wisdom

People were applauding this man for drying his hands. Beautiful.

You could avoid using any paper towels by just wiping your hands on your shirt.


Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Oh nothing, just watching an 80 year old man washing his hands for four minutes straight. Anyway how's your day?


I feel educated to an amazing degree


The problem with his technique is that shaking flings microbes everywhere. One of the first things a person learns in nursing school is to let your hands drip over the sink to reduce this effect.

Legendary video. This is what youtube was made for.


 my goodness, This is my BIGGEST pet peeve.. People using more than one. Most of the time I'm trying to shake, and pat on my pants to help compensate for all the dummies using MORE than their share. Thank you SOOOO much Joe for making this!!!!!!!!!


im actually gonna do this. one step at a time people.


Damn I can’t wait till he teaches us how to use 1 toilet paper

"Shake. Fold."

The two most important words I've learned to dry my hands


I used this a couple of years ago in my company in a lean training. We collected all used paper towels from 1 week . It was a pile 3x3 meters, 2 meters tall. 400 people watched Joe shake and fold. I was in the audience and watched reactions to my lean teams presentation. I shake and dole until today myself. Don’t remember how much paper towel usage reduced - it did though.

Two main memories from that for me:
1. air dryers have the best eco balance
2. all the guys from machining in the back shaking and folding - their penises (luckily pretend only) :-)
So nature shows shake and fold works!

I always used as small a piece of paper towel as I could in the public bathroom, until one day when I was camping (this was several years ago now) I used an outside water pump to wash dirt off my hands. No paper towels, no air blowers. I shook my hands and the rest of the water evaporated within a few minutes. Aha! I thought. Since that day, I've never taken another paper towel to dry my hands ever again. If my hands don't dry quickly enough, I wipe them on my clothes. Also, once when I was in Europe, I was in a public bathroom with cloth towels attached to bars so people couldn't walk off with them. I was surprised at how simple it seemed yet I'd never seen anything like it in the US.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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