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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
YouCo 2021. 3. 31. 09:12(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
1:04 cant deny that this specie looks hella good.
"That's a very good question"
I think that is the greatest lesson from the mosquitoe man. Respect.
4:17 “i was clearly attracted to those mosquitoes”
1:40 if I see one, it can live only for one minute!!!
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
7:05 weird way to tell you’re cousins
Attractiveness to mosquitoes changes through life. In the summer of 1968, when I was 17 years old, I went with my parents to Alaska and got bitten through my jeans and flannel shirt, in spite of spraying them with mosquito repellent. In 2006, when I was 55, my wife, who was 43, and I went to Crater Lake, where she spray her clothes with repellent and was was bitten through 2 pairs of tights and a flannel shirt, while I wore walking shorts and t-shirts and hardly bothered with spray, but collected only a few.
Girl : You are not attractive
Me : I am
Girl : To whom?
Me : It's complicated
SmarterEveryDay also uploaded at the same time 2 best notifications at the same time.
I find this extremely topical as I have 18 bites all over my feet from recent days.
O god, that mosquito noise when you're wearing earphones !!!
"23 and me, a company that reads sections of your DNA, then helps you understand what's in there"...before we see the data to undisclosed third parties willing to pay for it.
Mosquito in my small village in Ivory Coast: DO NOT WORRY, Y'ALL ARE MY TYPE......zzzzzzzz....ZZZZz
10:05 certainly, a significant amount of humans have died due to mosquitos. Probably more than any other single cause
I would say that death is the most significant cause of humans being dead
Whenever you're depressed because nobody seems to like you, remember you're attractive to mosquitoes.
He feeds them with his own blood. What a lunatic.
Also Professor Hansen: shoves his arm into an aquarium full of hungry mosquitos regularly
So... this still doesn't answer my gigantic mystery: As a kid, I would get literally hundreds of bites every summer. I was the most mosquito-attractive person I knew by a margin.Yet at one point, just in a year or two, very likely around puberty, I suddenly stopped being attractive and since then have consistently gotten maybe 1-2 dozen bites the entire summer.
How can someone's mosquito-attractiveness change like that?!
That mosquito noise is what haunts my dreams.
That sponsorship ad is soo smooth. Thumbs up for that
9:41 "[Mosquitos] are the most dangerous animals in the world."
Some bat in Wuhan: "hold my beer"
ik we are still far off of this beeing true and hopefully it stays that way :o
I have 48 bites rn and I'm watching this to see why. Iv been dealing with this my whole life and I hate it. I cant even wear shorts in the summer without getting bitten or go outside for 3 seconds without getting at least 5 bites
Mosquito man was low key jealous that the other was more attractive
"Yeah I feed them with my own arm"
he's clearly an evil scientist
I thought I was crazy as I thought mosquitoes didn't like me after I noticed that compared to my family members and my boyfriend (who always complaint about mosquitoe bites) never gets bitten. So last year I decided to always close my windows until I'm going to bed ,normally you shouldn't do that, as you'll let in lots of mosquitoes in the house and, it did. There was an incredible amount of them that even when I'm wearing earphones while watching movies, I can hear them. I even put out my legs and arms as bait but they didn't want be. So now, I'm happy to know I'm not crazy that I thought mosquitoes didn't like me.
Wildcard monkey wrench variable worth studying: I’ve always had a gut feeling a key factor in an individual’s perception of his/her attractiveness to mosquitoes might be significantly influenced by the characteristics of their individual physiological reactions to mosquito bites. Ive observed in my own social/familial circles a class of folks who experience frequent sensations of being bitten by mosquitoes, and/or prolonged intense itching, and even uncommonly intense swelling, who coincidentally perceive a high personal level of attractiveness to mosquitoes...while at the same time observing peoples in same party equally beset by, slapping, & smashing swarming mosquitoes (and thus likely feeding the mosquitoes in similar amounts) who experience relatively minimal sensation of being bitten/minimal itching/barely noticeable swelling. They tend to classify themselves as less attractive to mosquitoes, when empirical observation seems to point to the conclusion they are equally as attractive. Takeaway: The physiology of the reaction to the bight may significantly influence the perception of one’s attractiveness to mosquitoes, even though the level of attraction from the mosquitos’ perspectives may potentially not vary at all.
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