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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How we take back the internet | Edward Snowden


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How we take back the internet | Edward Snowden



Playtime Comments : [TED] How we take back the internet | Edward Snowden

28:16 in watch ed's odd eye movements...



Top Comments : [TED] How we take back the internet | Edward Snowden


This is the best interview of Snowden I have seen, thanks.


Saying I don't care that they spy on me because I have nothing to hide is like saying I don't care about free speech because I have nothing to say.

when did the government say 'Hey people let vote on a surveillance on your privacy. If the majority of you say yes, then we will do it. But if it's no. we'll leave you alone?
And they might be watching me right now. So I have to be careful on what I'm saying.
That's what I mean. they already take a freedom of speech away from me.

Guess NSA officials disliked this video


What an outstanding man! My deepest love to him!

I'm in love with him


i bet he had no pants

I consider Snowden a Hero.
Show of hands who agrees? Disagrees?

He only betrayed the bad guys


We need to say a big thank you to Edward Snowden. It's so refreshing to see people with such high caliber and integrity taking such a huge stand against the misdirection of governments and their agencies.

I go to sleep every morning- Edward Snowden
One day there will be a statue made for this guy


"I did not do this to be safe, I did this to do what was right."

Edward Snowden for President!


We're probably all on a watchlist for clicking on this video. lol


Ironically, the conspiracy theorists were 100% correct...


May allah gives snowden a beautiful life.

Standing True to Our Rights As Sovereign Beings...Thank You Edward For Standing True for All ....


The brave young man has blown my mind with his consistency, moral motive and intelligence.


Mr. Snowden is a hero, period!

I’m surprised that the evil and corrupt elite, even allow this information to be aired.


Edward Snowden!!! A true hero for revealing the illegal NSA spying abroad. I hope he lives in peace. God bless you, Mr. Snowden :) 


Remember these great words of Mr. Snowden: "We don't have to give up our privacy to have good government.  We don't have to give up our liberty to have security."

At least Russia's being cool to him


OMG I lost my private pictures collection, I just called the NSA to find out if they had a backup copy of those precious files and they sure did! Thank you the NSA!


For Edward Snowden,
It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government."
-- Thomas Paine
Thank you for your service!


Good on you, TED, bringing in Snowden. Thumbs up!

This is ridiculous. Thank you for your service to your country, Snowden.


Strange that more people don't have as much moral courage and honesty. He is an admirable human being.


Thanks for the opportunity to listen to Mr. Snowden speak. It gives me a completely different perspective of who he is then I get from the mouths of others.



As an Afghan American I further am forced to suppress my feelings, thoughts and self expression. Let me check if they are outside my door.


Two things: the creator of the www coming up to ask Snowden some questions speaks to the magnitude of Snowden’s significance. And two, I’m sure it was on purpose that this took place in a city called Whistler.


Saw the movie Snowden in 2016 and it's one of the most inspiring movies I have ever seen. And Joseph Gordon Levitt did an amazing job with the voice/accent

In the first 8 minutes, Snowden reveals the Deep State that we're talking about.


Snowden is a hero, wether he accepts the title or not.


Just watched this and i can confirm ed is an absolute hero

"There are more interceptions in America about Americans than there are in Russia about Russia".

Any conservative that feels comfortable while hearing this, or still thinks Snowden didn't unveil anything important, is honestly a lost cause.


You have to understand the level of intelligence that this man has, he's definitely one of brightest and strongest willed individuals I've ever heard of. He speaks with extreme confidence, this is very important, he is sure of himself and he won't back down. To say that he's doing this for his own benefit would be the biggest lie of all time, this is beyond a selfless act, he has basically for fitted his life in order to speak up for what he believes in, it takes a special person to do this, make no mistake about it. If only more people had this kind of courage we would live in a better world than we live in today, say what you want about him, say what you want about me, I was raised to know right from wrong and to stand up for justice, this is exactly what this man is doing. It's pretty obvious that he stands for truth, he's not hiding his face or having his identity hidden, but his accusers say he should get a bullet in his head and they can't even submit their name, that says a lot if you ask me, it says everything actually.

Long ago I worked on the maintenance of a very old telephone system of 200 numbers. Sometimes, because I had to troubleshoot if an alarm was real or if a caller went beyond the usual time callers normally use. I had to listnen in, briefly to determen what it was. I am very proud to say that, NOT EVEN ONCE, I intruded in somebody elses conversation, by listnen in, after I found, that it was a false alarm. Today, just about everybody seems to want to know how everybody else is living their lives. Do they Not have their own lives to live? I have enough with mine, as it is now...to spend time on somebody else's private issues.

There was a time I was very critical of whistleblowers - but my reaction was directly related to my perception of a guy like Julian Assange (Wikileaks), who seemed to me like an unstable personality, defending an unguided libertinism with no boundaries and little or no rational parameters. With Edward Snowden I have a different perception. What he says makes sense, he defends his acts in a rational kind of way - he argues about the more tangible basics of our freedoms as people and citizens. Most of what he says is flat-out right. The US government has gone much too far. In Europe we were disgusted by their hacking into Angela Merkel's mobile phone for instance - We're sick of those arrogant governmental games. Our basic freedom is not to be tampered with that way. They don't have to do everything in public, but they are to be accountable, and be called to justice for their acts, just like everyone else. Snowden simply speaks the language of a decent citizen who loves the democracy.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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