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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity
Starting at 4:00 take notes, then take those notes with you to the grocery store (or farmer's market). Get at least one item from each category, enough to last until your next trip. I think once you've got the right stuff in your home it's easy.
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity
make a green smoothie as a mid morning snack, and a green smoothie as dessert with Lunch or dinner and you've already got your 9 cups of veggies. And it doesn't have to cost more - grow your own veggies in a window box, or raised beds, or shop at a farmers market.You have the information now - If it's too much trouble, then you are simply addicted to your illness...
Damn sellouts....
Thanks once again.
The talk was enlightening. But all of those popup "warnings" from Tedtalk were ridiculous. I mean really, once is enough. But having to run that popup repeatedly throughout the video is not only distracting, but frankly, irritating and just a wee bit condescending. If I were Dr. Terry Wahls, I'd never do another TedTalk after that.
"let thy food be thy medicine" Hippocrates 400 BC
If you have MS or similar symptoms try taking a high dose of vitamin D3, about 10,000 IU daily. This has helped me so much within a matter of weeks.
TEDx needs to rephrase its "warning" to say, "TEDx's sponsor, Monsanto, and other GMO companies feel threatened by this video because it might make people think about what's in their food. Warning: if you watch it, you might learn something."
I have motor neuron disease that is progressing very slowly.the slow progreesion is because i eat organic vegetables and fruits.plenty of fish and supplemental vitamins which are also organic.i do use a power chair and a non-invasive ventilator which could have been invasive were i not eating healthfully.i still can swallow and speak also because of my beautiful dietary habits.
This lecture only strengthened my determination to keep on keeping on.
What is the deal with the warning label!?!? This is a doctor who is conducting clinical trials on the impact on our health of eating more fruits and vegetables. Wow! How radical! Whatever the "curatorial guidelines" are, they need to be changed. This is ridiculous.
Its always impressive to see people who can beat diseases consider incurable or terminal, without using modern medicine
My letter to TED:
I recently viewed Dr. Terry Wahls' TedX youtube video. A large disclaimer (in fact, more than one disclaimer) displays prominently and sometimes hides part of your view until you close the box. This is distracting.
But, most of all, it put the entire video in doubt and I'm not sure that's appropriate. It is clear from the video that it is a personal account. It is moving. I'm sure that many people with autoimmune diseases are interested in the content. I have a sister with RA. I'm very interested myself in ways she might be able to stop the TNF drugs she takes, which can be damaging to your health.
It would be much more helpful if you would provide an explanation up front as to why this video is outside the curatorial guidelines. From what I read, it is not.I have looked at many TedX videos and don't see how this is different. I would appreciate it if you would 1) remove the offensive disclaimers and 2) add a blurb at the beginning of the video or in the comment section as to why you think this is outside the curatorial guidelines.
I would hate to think the disclaimers are a matter of someone pushing their personal agenda rather than attempt to inform the public of something they might find interesting and useful.
Like so many others , i would like to know your official curatorial guidelines.... and where this talk doesn't conform.... thank you !
I thank my God, for helping me to get through what I am about expose to the world. All I wanted was the best for my mom and my dad when it came to their health and lives. I could not get any family support, therefore I prolonged my research! I loved both of my parents and so promised my mom, that I woud not give up until I can help others as much as I can and would make this world a better world when it comes to our health and wellness to the best of my ability and knowledge which God has given unto me. I am not a scientist, nor physician, but I do have much determination and perseverance to help where there seems to be no way out. With God anything is possible and I hope that my paper reaches the necessary individuals!
When it comes to our well-being and coming up with ways of us surviving and living long lives and enjoying our older days, which are blessings from God. I so miss my mom, and my dad, but with my mom, she carried me for nine months and she never turned her back on me, never! We had the best last talks, that I and only myself will carry to my grave with peace. I told my mommy I would not give up and I did not, and will not until their are more cures for our health and it begins with my God and my praying! I am now finished my research and am going to have my professors to help me before I publish my findings! Thank You Lord!
I cried most of the time while putting this together and this video, so reminds me of my mom, but made me more determined when I heard all of the things I knew and I discussed with my mom. This is an incredible lady who is the presenter of this and have included this video in my findings and paper.
Even though, I am so often misunderstood, I only am one person who loves and was and is determined to make a way out of God's way! ~ Amen. I know without prayer none of what I have accomplished would not even been possible! I pray that I can rest and have peace while I sleep and again tonight, thank You Lord, for never leaving me and sending and for putting the necessary materials and people into my life who will help me to carry this as professional as possible!
Enjoy this video and please listen to every word this wonderful is speaking and please share this video with your family and friends! God bless and good morning!
It may be outside of TEDx guidelines, but it's well, WELL in line with restorative science.
Dr. Wahl's message is simple, common sense. How disappointing to see the TED warning. What gross corporatism.
If her talk doesn't comport with the supposed mission of TED, I don't what does.
Take the label off -- for shame.
I've been waiting for this TED talk. Excellent.
Originally the MS Society banned her from giving any talks at any of their meetings. Now they have given her a $1.5 million grant to pursue her work further through clinical trials and such.
Amazing, life changing video. Everyone should see this.
Oh please, don't take this talk down!!! This talk is amazing! It would be unfair!... :(
This video changed my life. Thank you Dr. Wahls. I am improving my MS with food!
As was purportedly said by Hippocrates, The Father of Western Medicine, over 2000 years ago: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I do not think Dr. Wahls is wrong, or giving out false information, in the least. Many, if not most, diseases can be prevented &/or cured by the right diet. For me, it's an organic, mostly plant based, whole food diet. I would not feed my dog they way that most people eat, and, in fact, give him a raw, organic & non-gmo dog food, and @ 8 he both looks & acts like puppy.. still zipping up and down the stairs like he always has. My mom, who has been into nutrition and the study of, for over 50 years, is almost 81, and walks 2-5 miles/day, & up to 2000 stairs/day, writes health blogs, and takes not a single medication for any physical ailment. She has read labels for my entire life, and much as I hated that practice which kept me from all the fun stuff, as a kid...I can never thank my mom enough for her due diligence, as an adult. She is what 81 should look like.. & can look like. We don't have to be sick and on a myriad of meds, that's the point. The truth is out there.
This is the best TED Talk I have ever seen! As a 21 year old who is 120 lbs. overweight, has just had some prostatitis, and is beginning to experience scary symptoms such as frequent thirst/urination (type 2 diabetes) and some blurry vision in my right eye along with numbness and fatigue (MS), this talk hits home so, so hard. Further, I have a dream to be a physician which seems in jeopardy considering my current health. As a student with limited finances, I will try to begin this paleo diet at least partially and hope and pray that it will bring results and save my life.
[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting
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