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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen




Playtime Comments : [TED] Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen

Just wondering what software was he using in 2007 to generate and present this data in such a animated way. Look at how he switches between graphs at 8:50 - I was amazed in 2019!

@13:08 "You[r country] can move much faster if you are healthy first", I wish one day we'll all understand that...


4:15 to 5:00 very well may have been the most exciting 45 seconds of my life.

4:15 That was the most frustrating camera angle! Awesome and thought-provoking talk




1:26-1:35 I got 4/5 in this test (the only pair I got wrong was Sri Lanka/Turkey). So it seems that I know quite a lot of the world.

13:09 "You can move much faster if you're healthy first then wealthy first!"




Top Comments : [TED] Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen

Who's is here and is amaze in 2019/2020 and today by this 2007 presentation. Wow

this is the most interesting talk on data visualization !!

He did a fantastic job, I've put Gapminder on my desktop for future reference. Also interesting to see that such a huge proportion of the comments here are only a day or two old, Rosling's work is getting noticed.

Not only a truth teller but one that helped people visualize reality.

May he rest in peace. He certainly did his bit to make a peaceful, prosperous world.


Rest in peace dear Hans. Thank you for all the knowledge and wisdom you have given the world.


Why is this in recomended in 2019?


Finally, an educational Ted talk, instead of someone spouting personal stories.

Remember when Ted had the best of best on their fields? Now they barely fact check their speakers

My father says, I'd rather be healthy than be a millionaire.

This guy's sense of humor is quintessential Swedish sense of humor. I love Sweden.


He say that the $100 computer will be so important but his friend Bill Gates killed the project since it was free software and not the Microsoft platform.

That's cool software for the time.

Shame we've lost him.


In the middle of the video, I was thinking "How can I get those data?". He answered it at the end. :)


Excellent presentation.  The only negative I could find, is when he said, "health, cannot be found at the grocery store."  His presentation suggests that health equals long life and infant mortality rates.  I would also like to see the data for chronic diseases, like Cancer, Diabetes, etc. as compared between the countries and income. 

ok youtube algorithm why did you dish this out of the trash 12 years after uploading it


At least one person we can be proud of in Sweden

The energy. Awesome. Hans Gosling, you are a data mining and analysis god.


It deserves an update.

Watching this in 2019...still love the way he presented it. Never knew that statistics could be this interesting


i think the most amazing part of this presentation are the slideshow animations

Most incredible data visualization presentation I've ever seen!


Does anyone else miss the good old days when TED Talks posted videos like this that were actually worth watching?


Would be amazing to see new presentation of the data, to see what has change.

240p we meet again old friend


RIP Hans Rosling

When someone say something positive about world's affair on medias I'm always afraid that someone pay to make him/her say those kind of things. Please,tell me that's all true.


Круто. Статистика - это сила. Интернет и свобода обмена информацией - великолепно. Глубоко вас благодарю.
Cool. Statistics is power. The internet and the freedom to share information is great. Thank you deeply.


health is wealth

it's 2019 and whatever program he is using to show this information is better than anything I ever see....


I was briefly in the USSR in 1972, where someone quoted a stat, saying child mortality was lower than in the USA, and went on waxing lyrical on the USSR's free-for-all & superior health system. He was factually right.
20 years later, I was "back in the USSR", or rather, what was left of it (the CIS), another guy told me they used to have three months (3 months) to declare a birth to authorities (we have three days, yes days to do so in France). As a result, most infant mortality did not make it into stats. There you go.
Take-away: not lying does not mean telling the truth.
I'm saying that because the speech opens up with a child mortality comparison, without saying a word on the reliability of stat collection. You could say anything you want there.


Sad to just learn that such a wonderful and dynamic teacher has passed away. These are the kinds of rare teachers we need more of in this world, not less.
I would love to see someone, maybe one of Hans' past students do an update on these graphs to reflect the current data. Especially the one about Income gap. I have a feelimg that Hans would be surprised to see how that data has changed in the last 15 years...
God bless and Rest in peace Hans. You did your best, and you made a difference. But will the world learn from their past? That remains to be seen...

Very good presentation and 'contextualizing' is a valuable idea. I learned a lot. Can confirm his observations after living and working in Asia and ME. Viet Nam is a fantastic success story! Go visit ASAP, it is a gem.
One thing to add. I did research in college on WHO and UN databases. They are suspect numbers.
Basically, the smaller and poorer countries can and do find ways to under-report and over-report data that
supports the political regime/supports funding. Over time, and with broad trends, we hope for contextual accuracy. Hans' point about more access to data is 100% on target. It's just 'grain of salt' time for leaders and decision makers. I think Hans used data he felt confident in.
Basically, you can ask,"Does each of these countries have a free press to question government information?" Maybe not. The U.S. has the most free press, don't we get fed baloney on occasion???
Without being a downer, can I say that Hans is very, very correct, but the truth is elusive?



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

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[TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

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[TED] The history of our world in 18 minutes | David Christian

[TED] The mad scientist of music | Mark Applebaum

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[TED] The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

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[TED] What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

[TED] What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

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