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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done... | Bill and Melinda Gates


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done... | Bill and Melinda Gates




Playtime Comments : [TED] Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done... | Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill’s laugh at 10:52 cracks me up




6:52 to 6:56! This are their true faces! They want is to depopulate!




0:47 Bill was very handsome that time. He got nice hair. I like their characters



Top Comments : [TED] Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done... | Bill and Melinda Gates

They don't give their wealth away.
They manipulate people with their money.
We see right through you.


Bill gates looks very shy, and yeah his wife is so lucky.

You can see how Bill and his wife still amaze each other. Bill was mostly staring at his wife.

Humble couple. They give back. Sure. They got a couple of bucks. But they are generous.


Bill 1980s: Let's infect computers with a virus and then sell them antivirus software.
2020: Let's inject people with a virus and then sell the vaccine.


The awkward moment when you realize that the graphs behind them could only be shown because Bill Gates exists.


"OUT OF SHADOWS" Documentary brought me here.

The amazing thing is the more you give the more you get back.


I hope they soon get what they deserve, whatever that may be.

Many, many things I can learn from this couple. Really admire.

Has anyone noticed that when bill wasn't talking, he would be smiling. I wonder how does one smile for half an hour non stop

Giving is the most satisfying thing when you know the truly value of life...

Melinda Gates is the real woman of the year. She is a great example of TRUE courage and .

People become rich and separate themselves but they grow to gather, they are good example of how to stay in a beautiful relationship for life long


It seems like "giving"and "charity" a deliberately misleading.

They both have such a good heart, that’s why God has given them so much .


They are so adorable, every time i see them I feel twice as lucky for having such a person as well.


May Allah and by Allah subhanatalas permission Moses pboh bless this couple , Because he really took care of his parents too.


Bill got so dependent on her, you can see it so clearly here. She’s the one pulling him in the dark. She’s worse than him because she knows exactly what she is doing.

They are so rich yet they are so humble in front of many people. These days u don't see a lot of these stuffs especially with the existence of social media, many rich people tend to show off their wealth.


Just realized that the "Richest man in the World" is the 'Richest man at Heart'.

My respect for america grows multifold when i think of bill gates n warren buffet .. Awesome humans n super heros

I gave the for the. Video, today after 6 years you see the results of these two criminals !!️

A Bae-cation with purpose


Although they donate to good causes I hope they look a little closer to home and be generous. You walk around America and can see the poverty. Charity starts at home


Fantastic, Amazing, Great & Doing tremendous job in the World... You're Super- Great. God bless you Forever .... I love you too.... Very much.


Why you both use "RED" colour most of the time, Do you like blood so much??


Humanos con una mentalidad superior. Gracias por entregar tanto a la humanidad, se merecen el máximo respeto estas personas.


Mel and Belle Gates, from "The Mel and Belle Gates Foundation", the Charity whose Motto is: "We Murder the World's Masses -- in Service to Our Father Satan". Mel's wearin' his favorite colors today.

when you have so much money that everything you say is "right".


Imagine being so tall tree. The wind is soo strong. Even the good seems evil to the evil person.

Bill Gates discovered that the greatest meaning of life is knowing that your time on this planet is short and although you could be a billionaire, your money won´t avoid you to die eventually, so, he intends to give up all his fortune by the end of his life helping people all around the world, doing his part, his contribution. He is giving back what the world gave to him. Eventually, he will die as a poor man, from dust to dust, but he will be extremely happy to have had a brilliant life. He´s an extraordinary and intelligent human being !

The success of bill gates and the secret of his amazing success is melinda , the person who is behind the greatest success in wealth,health,recognition,respect with each other, admiring with each other!
On top of that the uniqueness is working together! Best of all is absolutely the way they listen to each other is super important! It's just because of their personalities!
I just learned a great lesson from the couple!
Thank you so much for hosting this amazing show!
Thank you so much bill and melinda!

I had tears when I can see how Melinda Gates can come down and open doors for the poor childern to reach their personal milestone in education..Nothing more but heaven for you. In my counry PNG, in a very remote area , I invested some money to built a library in 2014 its semi bush material type building but I can't stock library books after the building was completed 5 years ago due to financial constrains. I am still struggling but will acomplish that soon. Its not only rich people can do it , generouse things that one may do must come from your heart. That is what God wants.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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