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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz




Playtime Comments : [TED] Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz

7:38 She has a safety pin in her ear and I’m low key living for it.


"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists."

Η τέλεια μέθοδος για όλους

3:18 thats guy casually righting it down that simone said “to be master in a field it better to choose a small fiel”


10:19 Simone invented the cat


10:21 was my favorite quote from her.


0:17 It literally took her 5 seconds to make an inappropriate joke in front of a serious audience. Classic Simone.


1:30 and I already love it!!!





Top Comments : [TED] Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz

This is the same woman who was just diagnosed? Wow what an amazing girl, so strong and admirable. My love and prayers go her way.


And now she owns the worlds only Truckla


I’ve been watching TEDx talks for years trying to get inspiration about where to go in my life. How ironic is it that this useless talk probably has had the most substantial difference on me?

Never clicked on a video so fast. Hopefully your surgery will go well.


I love this girl. Thanks to her I begun tinkering, and I cannot be more grateful to her

She is pretty cool!

"Sold to the nervous girl in the googly eye shirt" this is making my day.


"Easiest way to become top of your field is to be in a very small field"

Simone: We should make useless things.

My Parents: create me


"isn't it a beautiful time to be alive?"
that was an awesome reaction to that situation (even if it was scripted)

''The future lies within our hands.''

Simone: Hold my Truckla.

"isn't it a beautiful time to be alive " she's great


It's a strange feeling. We are not friends, you're not my daughter, we've never met... and yet I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work


We still want you to marry us. Like all of us collectively. We think it can work.


She's an angel(mainly because she has a million eyes)
She is very funny
Also useless things are fun, you are doing great!


You know what, this concept should be used at schools. She clearly learnt a thing or two when building these machines, their only use was to develop her skillset. That is the job of school too


Thank you Simone. I'm a baby boomer and an engineer. You have shown me the enthusiasm that was missing in my life. I realized I lived my life as a robot instead of designing and building a robot. You inspired me to built useless things.


Really enjoyed it. Definitely my type of humor:
The brave popcorns that we’re sacrificed for science.
Some clever puns with dry humor.
Sprinkled in with well intended advice.
Just sweet content.

Choosing a small field does make you the leader! Getting folks to pay you for it is also awesome! You go girl! (Yes, I still say that! lol)


The title should be - "Why you should do what you love"

Simone Giertz, you're our hero!

She is one of those rare people with such an attractive set of personality quirks, that she could basically do anything that gets her talking on camera and she creates a minimum fanbase that is larger than some cable tv channels. It is NOT like she tries to engineer fixes for problems that are outside the box, and with sheer statistics on her side makes something useful once every blue moon. NO! Her whole schtick is to make absolutely ridiculous inventions with her first rule is that it will be completely useless!?!?!? LoL, and I love watching! It is crazy!

Simone!!! we're rooting for you girl!!


perfect! best video! love it!!! i just love the message behind the talk


I love building useless stuff. My inventions are all mechanical and held together with duct tape though.


Brilliant talk Simone!

"im a millenial and i want everything to orbit around me" lol

Omg i literally love Simone giertz. She is one of the most down to earth and relatable person ever

This is one of the best Ted talks. I laughed a lot and am inspired.


I don't know what it is about you l, but you are such a joy to watch. Your enthusiasm and humility are both mesmerizing and intoxicating. It's so refreshing to see someone express herself and open up in a way that is so honest, it's akin to the innocence of child-like wonder. Ultimately, it's (IMHO) you being you in the most genuine sense possible which is intensely captivating, not because of the beauty you possess on the "outside", rather a reflection of the beauty you possess within. You are truly a treasure. Thank you for sharing that beauty with us, the viewers. I smile and laugh (along with you) every time you put an invention to the test. It is 'joy' in the most basic and innocent yet, fulfilling of senses. It's you being YOU, which is something fantastic. Thank you.


I'm too old to marry you, but can my wife and I adopt you??

Thanks for creating one of the few Ted talks that I didn't think was elitist pablum. As a computer programmer with over 40 years experience, I have seen over and over again that we learn more from our failures than our successes. Giving someone the opportunity to fail as they learn is the best way to mentor anyone. Reading books on how successful people did it is a waste of time, reading books on how people failed is far more useful. I don't want to know the 10 things Elon Musk did to become rich, I want to read about the 10 things Johnny Depp did to become poor so I don't do them.

Your machines are not useless, they help bring joy to many people.

Thank you Simone. Hoping for the best for you.

Thank you for helping my major (long term illness) depression etc. Those google eyes- got an old vest- what fun. I love where you are coming from- add some light-heartedness- ALL MY LIFE I HAVE WANTED TO BE AN ARTIST, A WRITER ETC - no talent (one reason for depression) but you have given me some courage to try a collage- thank you- a "Kramer" worth knowing- hope you took that right- what did you study- are you a painter on the side- whatever? And you are terrific in front of an audience- perky don't take that as an insult either- I flunked math (another reason for despair)- do you set yourself up with challenges in your life overall- I am terrified to fail- I have no creative talent- trust me I am not a kid and I have tried everything- any suggestions? Anyhow thank you for helping a bad morning!



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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